20-Year Prospect

20-Year Prospect

Eleven billion dollars: That's how much money movies made last year in the United States. Your job will still be around twenty years from now because, honestly, no one involved with the Hollywood cash cow wants to walk away from so much dough.

Of course, in your case, there's eternal glory to be had, too. Orson Welles directed Citizen Kane more than seventy years ago, and it's still considered the best movie of all time (of all time!) by the American Film Institute. We prefer pretty much any Steven Spielberg movie ever made to Citizen Kane but, hey, we're not in pictures.

And what about the technological advances that allow you to do some really crazy stuff with your movies? Sure, the 3-D film has been around forever, but not too long ago researchers in South Korea found a way for folks in theaters to watch 3-D movies without those horrible, dorktastic glasses. Now moviegoers can watch abominations like Avatar without having to nerd out, too.

So, yeah, unless Los Angeles catches a nuke, your job isn't going anywhere. There's too much money to be made off of Americans who love anything playing on a big screen.