
Average Salary: $46,000

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $1,920,408

Like other forms of agriculture, floriculture is really only lucrative for those who own the farms where the flowers are grown. If you're going into this business—or any business, really—aim to own. Don't be somebody's lackey for any longer than necessary.

No, gold forsythias don't count. (Source)

Some employees who are managers or sales representatives can earn rather respectable wages that they wouldn't easily find in other forms of agriculture. However, the majority of laborers on the production crews of the largest growers earn only a bit more than laborers growing and harvesting other commodities—around $33,000 per year (source). So unless you've found a way to grow and harvest gold bars, try to avoid the laborer route.

Managers, whether production or operations managers, can earn upwards of $45,000 per year (source). However, most individuals in management are hired directly into their respective positions because of their education and experience, and so are expected to perform at a high level right off the bat. 

In other words, if you have a business degree and have spent fifteen years in the business, you should already know how to operate a stapler—and how to grow about 300 different kinds of flowers (that might be more important than your stapling skills).

Growers who earn the most are generally not those who grow the weird or trendy or expensive crops, but are instead those who do well with the common crops. Yes, many still generate unimpressive revenue, but some can actually do well. A few actually do remarkably well. No bazillionaires, though.