
In 60 seconds or less name ten current or former professional hockey players. We'll wait.

How'’ps it going?

30 seconds left.

Keep it up! 5, 4, 3, 2, and…1! Time's up. How'd you do? The answer is: How should we know? We can't hear you. But unless you are already a pretty devoted hockey fan, odds are you couldn't name more than a few players of any era. Hockey players, even the best, just don't get the same kind of hype the top football, basketball, and baseball players do. It's a smaller fan base, the hockey crowd. It's a bit more of a niche market.

On the other hand, a lot of hockey fans take their sport very seriously. So if you make it as a pro player someone will know your name, it just might not be the kind of person you want to know your name, if you get our drift.