Acting Against Recommendations


Categories: Trading, Ethics/Morals

Let's say you head to the emergency room with stomach pains. The doc in charge says, "Yep, you've got appendicitis. But I'm brutally tired, so...I recommend you go home." Odds are, if the doc himself had appendicitis, he'd get someone to take that puppy out, stat.

Acting Against Recommendations is kind like that—just in the financial world. If your broker tells you to do something he wouldn't recommend for his own investments, he has a duty to tell you that he wouldn't do that same thing in his own case.

Why would anyone act against recommendations? Well, in the case of the doc, maybe he is so tired that he's a dangerous menace in the O.R. In the case of the broker, maybe there's something about your specific situation that makes acting against recommendation the way to go. As long as they tell you, it's totally legit.

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Clooney, Brad Pitt, Emma Stone and Chloe Moretz are all on stage to perform a [Brad, George, Emma and Chloe on stage]


scene from The Merry Wives of Windsor as they are underscored by sweet violin


music yeah okay that's not really what acting in concert is but it'd be kind of


cool to see right it's actually not that far off the [Audience clapping]


financial definition though and it is usually applied to an oceans 10 through


12 kind of scenario where a group of investors is trying to take over a [Investors taking over a company building]


company rather than rip off a casino that is it takes a certain number of


shares to elect a board member remember but one investor may not have


enough dough to buy those shares outright in the market or the company [Investor reaches for money in pocket]


itself might have a poison pill clause such that if any one investor owns more


than a set of maximum percentage of the company like 10% or 15% is max well then


that investor has to get permission from the company to own more shares or the


company prints something like a hundred new shares for every one that the [Printer printing new shares]


company had previously diluting itself into oblivion it's the notion of that


poison in that pill so acting in concert might involve a half dozen groups each [Groups of people investing]


investing in the takeover of target company X with one owning 3%


another owning 7% another owning 9.235%


so that when it comes time to cast votes to elect that new board [Woman gets up to cast vote]


member well the company then looks a whole lot different

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