Certified Check

Yes, he really is from Prague. Certified checks by definition can’t bounce. They’re checks where the issuing bank says I promise to you (person trying to cash this check) that we’ll have the money.

Because certified checks put the issuing bank in the hot seat, the issuing bank will set aside the right amount of money in the holder’s account to make sure the check will clear when it’s cashed. Because of this, banks usually charge a fee for certified checks.

Certified checks are handy when the recipient of the check feels like the account holder is a bit sketchy or untrustworthy with their money management. Technically, a cashier’s check is a type of certified check, which is why sometimes you need a cashier’s check for big ticket items, like a car or house. Businesses can also use certified checks, as they might have a lot of money going a lot of different places at the same time. Gotta keep your finances in check.

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