Machine Learning

Categories: Tech

It happens when computers get "smarter" on their own. That is, they no longer need to be told by humans what patterns to follow. Simply by assessing external patterns, they get smarter.

Simple example:

The new thermostats are essentially machine-learners. They suck in all kinds of data to make them more efficient. They notice that there are adjustments made to warm up the home at 6 pm each night in the winter, so they start suggesting that warming...automatically. Or they just do it. Then they note when you're out of town. And you can imagine them being connected to your alarm system, or to the GPS tracker on your phone, so that they know when you're leaving the office, and will be home 22 minutes later; they'll start the heat when you're 15 minutes out.

Each iteration makes them "smarter," as they learn more and more granularly your basic habits. Super-simple example, but imagine this applied globally with "everything." The Clone Wars are coming, whether we like it or not.

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