The Simple Life Quotes

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Source: The Simple Life

Speaker: Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie

That's hot.


This line was first said in The Simple Life, by Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie, played by themselves (2003-2007).

Yes, we have to explain this, so bear with us. 

Basically, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie starred in a showed called The Simple Life, where they had to walk in the shoes of the simple folk. You know, farmers and workers and stuff. Hilton and Richie are notoriously famous for being opulent Hollywood socialites.

Their signature phrase is quite simple. Paris and Nicole say it, well, whenever. Typically, it means that something is attractive, but Paris and Nicole don't discriminate. They'll say it in any situation. They'll say "That's hot" when they see a pretty decoration, or they'll say "That's hot" when they see a dirty, grubby trash barrel. See, it's funny because it's the opposite of hot. Ha! Get it? 

So yeah, whether they're actually talking about the weather, or something disgusting, or something pretty, or something just being something, Paris or Nicole will give the good old "That's hot."

Where you've heard it

Er, "hot" is the term kids nowadays tend to refer to someone they find attractive. So you might hear someone say, "She's hot" or "He's hot." But if someone says, "That's hot?"

Break out the red flags and sound the alarm: we have a Paris Hilton impersonator.

Additional Notable References:

  • Believe it or not, Paris Hilton was actually involved in a lawsuit against Hallmark for using "That's Hot" in a greeting card.
  • Apparently Hilton wants to bring The Simple Life back to TV.
  • After being in a fake plane crash, Hilton wasn't too happy. It was definitely not hot.

Pretentious Factor

If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of 1-10.

If you quote this directly, then that means you watched The Simple Life. And if you watched The Simple Life and are still quoting it, then, well… it's been over for a while now. It's time to move on.