Saturday Night Live Quotes

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Source: Saturday Night Live

Speaker: The Church Lady

Well, isn't that special?


This line was spoken in various Saturday Night Live sketches, from 1986-1990, by the Church Lady, played by Dana Carvey.

Former SNL cast member and comedian Dana Carvey is truly the master of disguise. One of his most memorable characters was the aptly named Enid Strict, a.k.a. the Church Lady. Think Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter with a religious side and a Southern drawl.

The Church Lady hosts her own talk show called Church Chat, which she basically uses to call out various celebrities on their "sins," while rocking a blue and purple sweater and blouse. She is obsessed with comparing people to Satan. "Well, isn't that special?" is one of her catchphrases, and it is passive aggressive sarcasm at its finest.

Church Lady also does a special "moral superiority" dance whenever she proved that she was more righteous than that week's guest. She ended up dancing a lot.

Where you've heard it

If you grew up in the late 80s, you definitely saw the Church Lady at her height of fame, and she's made several appearances, even after Dana Carvey left SNL, to admonish more contemporary celebrities, like Snooki or the Kardashians.

Church Lady got pulled out of storage and made her triumphant return in 2016, after several guest appearances here and there, to "interview" former Republican presidential hopeful, Ted Cruz, about his plans after losing the nomination, and Donald Trump about his Biblical knowledge. Keep an ear out for her catchphrase.

Pretentious Factor

If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of 1-10.

Unless you want to sound super condescending and self-righteous, save this quote for Church Chat.