Mind's eye Why Should I Care

Why Should I Care?

The mind's eye is a funny thing. We might want to remember or believe something is happening, but in reality, it's just in our mind's eye. That's pretty much what happens to Hamlet throughout the entire play.

This guy is so enveloped by his own vision that he's almost wholly disinterested in the things he's missing. And as it happens, Hamlet realizes that his "reality" has actually been built on lies. His uncle is a murderer. His mom may or may not be in on the crime. His girlfriend is spying on him. His old school friends are reporting his every move to the king.

Hamlet really needs to figure out what's real and what's imaginary. Unfortunately, a lot of things in his world are fake. And that goes double for the ghost. Hamlet doesn't know if he can trust the apparition that he sees, or if it's just a figure of his imagination.

It turns out, he needs someone to see beyond his mind's eye and into reality. Horatio is that person for Hamlet. But what about for us? We're willing to be there's someone in your life that keeps you grounded.

Maybe it's your parents or grandparents. They tend to have no trouble telling us like it is. Or maybe it's your BFF. She's by your side and willing to lay down the law for you at any time. Whoever it is, keep them around. After all, the mind's eye can be deceiving.