More sinned against than sinning Why Should I Care

Why Should I Care?

Let's keep a tally sheet from all the times you've messed up in life, and all the times someone else has been bad to you. Anytime you missed the mark, we'll call it "sinning" and when someone else acted out of turn, we'll say that was "sinned against."

  • Okay, there was that time you broke curfew. Sinning. 
  • One time your friend spread a nasty rumor about you all around school. Sinned against. 
  • You sister borrowed your favorite sweater and got a hole in it. Sinned against.
  • Your mom asked you to help your brother with his homework but you forgot. Sinning.

You get where this is going. Say we counted all those up—for your entire life—and then we compared which column is longer. King Lear is saying that his "sinned against" column is way longer. People have been worse to him than he has been to others. So, how do you think your chart would actually turn out? Would you have more "sinning" or "sinned against"?

That's something only you can answer.