Neither here nor there Why Should I Care

Why Should I Care?

Actually this phrase is giving you a way to say you don't really care about what someone is saying, so, you know, we guess you're off the hook when it comes to caring about this phrase.

Just say you and your friend are talking about some awesome new movie you just saw. Your other friend walks up and starts talking about sports cars. Um…

That's neither here nor there.

And that's exactly what you can tell that friend. Sure, sports cars are awesome, and they are really fun to talk about, but not when everyone else is talking about a movie. (Unless that movie is Fast and Furious or something about sports cars.)

Our boy Shakespeare really knew how to tell people to get lost. But way more politely than that of course. "That's neither here nor there" sounds way better to us than saying "That has nothing to do with what we're talking about, so get lost."

You decide. Next time someone brings something up that's completely and utterly irrelevant, you can say that last line. You'll probably end up hurting your friend's feelings and getting into a fight. Or you can go with Shakespeare. That way you sound polite and smart.

It's up to you. It's really neither here nor there to us.