Wild goose chase Why Should I Care

Why Should I Care?

It turns out the whole play is one big wild goose chase. Sure, Romeo and Juliet fall in love. They get hitched. And then what? Their family problems are too big and too deep for them to fix by themselves.

There's no dancing at the reception. No cute family pics. The bride and groom can't even be together because the groom is banished. That doesn't sound like a honeymoon to us. They're chasing after love, and they're never really gonna get it. They're doomed.

In the end, Mercutio's view of love and sex might be valid. He's pretty hostile towards the idea of real love. And maybe the play supports this. Maybe Romeo and Juliet are just on some wild goose chase, destined to fail.

Where have we heard that before? Oh yeah, in the very beginning of the play, when the Chorus tells us they are "star-crossed lovers" (Pro.6). Looks like we're onto something.