Tyrion Lannister Timeline & Summary


Tyrion Lannister Timeline & Summary

  • Tyrion comes to King's Landing all, "I'm Hand of the King" and such.
  • He creates an alliance with Varys before giving Janos Slynt the boot and putting Jacelyn Bywater in his place, ensuring the city guard will be loyal to him and not Cersei Lannister.
  • Tyrion commissions a chain boom to be made for Blackwater Bay and orders the alchemists to brew tons of wildfire.
  • Tyrion arranges for Myrcella to be sent to Dorne, using the opportunity to remove Maester Pycelle from the Small Council.
  • Tyrion is present when the riots break out in King's Landing.
  • Later, Tyrion makes sure his nephew Tommen finds a safe spot.
  • Cersei threatens Tyrion that she will hurt his prostitute lover if Joffrey is harmed on the battlefield. Tyrion plays along even though Cersei has the wrong girl.
  • During the Battle of the Blackwater, Tyrion's plan to use the chain boom and the wildfire in tandem works, and he scores a victory against Stannis's superior fleet.
  • Tyrion himself leads a sortie outside the King's Gate. During the fighting, Ser Mandon Moore attempts to murder him, but Tyrion is saved by Pod.
  • Later, Tyrion wakes up with a huge scar across his face.
  • He learns he has lost the title of the Hand of the King.