A White Heron Awe Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Sylvia's heart gave a wild beat; she knew that strange white bird, and had once stolen softly near where it stood in some bright green swamp grass. (1.23)

Although Sylvia seems to know all the animals that live around her home, the white heron is a particularly magical and awe-inspiring creature. It's no wonder the hunter hasn't been able to locate it—or that he so desperately wants to.

Quote #2

There was an open place where the sunshine always seemed strangely yellow and hot [...] and her grandmother had warned her that she might sink in the soft black mud underneath and never be heard of more. (1.23)

Although the story is told in a realistic fashion, any passages about the white heron are tinted with mystical imagery. This marsh—the home of the white heron—is no exception. Eventually, we'll get to see this awe-inspiring locale first-hand.

Quote #3

Half a mile from home, at the farther edge of the woods, where the land was highest, a great pine-tree stood, the last of its generation. (2.1)

This tree, located in the most magical part of the forest, is a relic from a past age. As we come to see, this makes it practically a ladder to the heavens.