All My Sons Ann Deever Quotes

Ann: I'll do nothing about Joe, but you're going to do something for me. You made Chris feel guilty with me. Whether you wanted to or not, you've crippled him in front of me. (3.86)

Ann has her own selfish motivations here. She wants Kate to clear the slate so she can get on to building a life with Chris.

Ann: And the money, there's nothing wrong in your money. Your father put hundreds of planes in the air, you should be proud. A man should be paid for that…
Chris: Oh Annie, Annie… I'm going to make a fortune for you! (1.545)

Chris just called his money "loot" from the war. But with Ann's blessing he quickly comes around to a perspective that more closely resembles his father's.

Ann: He knowingly shipped out part that would crash an airplane. And how do you know Larry wasn't one of them?
Mother: I was waiting for that. [Going to her] As long as you're here, Annie, I want to ask you never to say that again. (1.464)

Ann doesn't know it, but she's damning the people she's talking to. No wonder Joe is so forgiving and compassionate in his judgment of her father. He's guilty himself.