Alligator Bayou Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Alligator Bayou? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why does this story need to take place near a swamp?

A swamp is pretty and the story needs a nice setting.
A swamp is dangerous and the story needs adventure.
There is more than meets the eye with a swamp
A swamp is really cool, just like Calo.
Q. What is up with running?

Calo signed up for a road race.
It's a metaphor for life.
Calo is always running everywhere.
Calo knows how to do the running man and busts his moves at a party.
Q. Which of the following do alligators symbolize?

The mindlessness of racism
Being green with envy
Sharp wit and biting humor
The South
Q. How is an alligator respectable?

It is honest.
It likes a fair fight.
It picks on critters its own size.
It has a firm handshake.
Q. Where does the word bayou come from?

Italian settlers came up with it.
It means alligator in French.
It's always been around.
It's from a Choctaw word, bayuk