
Character Role Analysis


Wei-Chen isn't just Jin's loyal best friend—he also reflects what Jin is not. Jin doesn't look like he's "fresh-off-the-boat" because Wei-Chen does. Jin seems more American because Wei-Chen seems more Chinese. More importantly, Jin's a jerk because Wei-Chen—good, loyal, true friend that he is to Jin—doesn't betray Jin's trust and does what he can to help Jin, even if it goes against his principles (like lying to Jin's mother to cover for Jin). At the end, what we get is a better picture of Jin: all that he isn't and all that he could be… If only he could just embrace his cultural roots the way Wei-Chen does.

Wong Lai-Tsao

Whatever Monkey is, Wong Lai-Tsao isn't. He's like how Wei-Chen is to Jin: an opposing reflection. While Monkey is arrogant, selfish, stubborn, and faithless, Wong Lai-Tsao is humble, selfless, flexible, and faithful. So when Monkey sees Wong Lai-Tsao multiple virtues in action, it's kind of a revelation for Monkey—one that transforms him into something more like Wong Lai-Tsao.