The Monkey King Timeline and Summary


The Monkey King Timeline and Summary

  • Monkey hears music and conversation wafting down from the heavens and figures out that it's a party, so he crashes the party.
  • But because the party is for gods, goddesses, demons and spirits, Monkey, who's just a monkey, gets bounced out of the line of guests.
  • Monkey decides to show off his kung-fu skills and bashes the guard and some guests at the party.
  • He's so good at causing damage, he decides to visit various "higher" beings and beat them up too.
  • All the upper-ups complain about Monkey's violence to Tze-Yo-Tzuh's emissaries, so Tze-Yo-Tzuh meets Monkey and tries to reason with him.
  • It doesn't work so he buries Monkey under a mountain of rock for five hundred years.
  • After five hundred years, Wong Lao-Tsai, a monk on a mission for Tze-Yo-Tzuh, wanders by to collect Monkey from the mountain.
  • Monkey gives him a tough time, but eventually he gives in, frees himself from the mountain, and becomes Tze-Yo-Tzuh's disciple on the mission.
  • Monkey's so into a life of service to Tze-Yo-Tzuh that he becomes an emissary.
  • His oldest son, Wei-Chen, decides to follow Monkey's footsteps and goes to live among mortals for forty years as a test of his virtues.
  • When Wei-Chen gets jaded (because of Jin) and rebels against the test of virtue, Monkey becomes Chin-Kee and terrorizes Jin.
  • But when Jin knocks off Chin-Kee's head in a fight, Monkey reappears as himself.
  • He tells Jin the story of Wei-Chen and basically makes Jin feel bad about what he did to both Chin-Kee and to Wei-Chen.
  • As he returns to the heavens, he leaves Jin a final clue: a Chinese restaurant card.