An Ideal Husband Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around An Ideal Husband? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What color is Mrs. Cheveley's hair?

Venetian red
Black with a big grey streak
Dirty blond
What hair?
Q. Mrs. Cheveley wears lots and lots of

Perfume; it is almost suffocating
Makeup; she is not a believer in less is more
Diamonds, which are a girl's best friend
Stripes and plaids in odd combinations
Q. Who is a woman of "grave Greek beauty"?

Sir Robert Chiltern
Lady Chiltern
Vicomte de Nanjac
Q. Who is the ideal butler?

Q. Lady Children is devoted to which cause?

Women's right to vote
Save the whales
Free the Egyptian vulture
Breed the Hawaiian Hoary Bat