Georgia Nicolson Timeline and Summary


Georgia Nicolson Timeline and Summary

  • Georgia lives with her mum, dad, and little sister, Libby. She believes she's a woman because she wears a bra—for the record, though, she's only fourteen.
  • Georgia embarrasses herself by dressing as an olive at a costume party where everyone else has dressed for sex appeal.
  • Finding plucking too painful, Georgia accidentally shaves off her eyebrows.
  • While helping Jas woo Tom, Georgia meets "Sex God" a.k.a. Robbie.
  • Georgia goes to Peter Dryer for kissing lessons.
  • At a party, Robbie catches Georgia and Peter making out and is clearly upset, despite being with his own girlfriend at the time.
  • Georgia has Jas break up with Peter, the professional kisser, for her.
  • Georgia meets Mark on Guy Fawkes Night.
  • With Georgia's advice, Jas dumps Tom.
  • Georgia's dad talks about looking for a job in New Zealand.
  • Mark and Georgia go to a Stiff Dylans gig together, but Mark gets into a fight with the band and ruins the night. Robbie scolds her. Hey, at least he's talking to her.
  • Jas doesn't show up to school for a few days.
  • Georgia spends Christmas with her family and then her dad leaves for New Zealand.
  • Georgia visits Jas at home and discovers she's just super bummed about breaking up with Tom; Georgia tries to cheer her up.
  • Jas and Georgia take each other's measurements, which, as you probably guessed, makes everyone feel so great about their bodies. Not.
  • Georgia meets Jem—the hot guy that's going to fix up her family's house.
  • Robbie asks Jas out for coffee, which makes Georgia super angry; she stalks Jas on the day of the coffee date.
  • As it turns out, the date was really a way for Robbie to tell Jas that Tom still likes her, but Georgia's still angry.
  • Jas and Georgia make up. That was quick.
  • Jem has been hanging around the house quite a bit—so much so that Libby calls him dad. Oops.
  • Georgia's tennis playing talents begin to blossom.
  • Georgia and Jas stalk Lindsay, Robbie's girlfriend. It's creepy.
  • Georgia shares an emotional phone call with her father.
  • Georgia is disqualified at her tennis semi-finals for throwing her racquet and knocking a teacher out. Lindsay wins everything.
  • Robbie kisses Georgia at a Stiff Dylans gig.
  • Lindsay confronts Georgia about the kiss and learns that Robbie put the blame on her. Drama.
  • In a moment of weakness, Georgia tells her mum she doesn't care if they go to New Zealand.
  • Georgia and Robbie meet up, only for Robbie to tell Georgia he can't be with her right now.
  • Angus goes missing. A search begins and only ends when Robbie finds the cat.
  • Georgia dyes her hair to look more mature.
  • She has a second meeting with Robbie, and during this one, they make out and become a couple.
  • Georgia's told she and her family are going to New Zealand.