As I Lay Dying Section Four, narrated by Jewel Summary

  • Jewel’s not so into his older brother Cash. In fact you could say that he thinks Cash is a naïve show-off. Jewel is the only character so far to take offense to the fact that Cash is making a show out of building Addie’s coffin – with Addie in the front row.
  • Jewel disapproves of the way the family is treating his mother Addie. He thinks he should be alone with her up in the hills, so she can spend her last days on earth in peace.
  • Faulkner suggests that Jewel doubts the existence (or at least use/power) of God.
  • Jewel resents Cash for being the performer that neighbors are coming to see and praise.
  • We also hear of Dewey Dell for the first time by name, confirming that she is "the girl" in the room with Addie.