Beauty and the Beast Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beauty and the Beast.

Quote #1

TOWNSPEOPLE: Now, it's no wonder that her name means "beauty"
Her looks have got no parallel!
But behind that fair façade
I'm afraid she's rather odd
Very different from the rest of us...
She's nothing like the rest of us
Yes, different from the rest of us is Belle!

Community, part 1: the village really seems to enjoy pointing out who "belongs" and who doesn't. Belle definitely isn't considered part of the community, mostly because she likes books and doesn't necessarily want to get married. What a weird girl.

Quote #2

MAURICE: I-I-I was lost in the woods....and-and...

BEAST: You are not welcome here!

Here's the Beast shutting himself off from any additions to his community. He has to learn to be welcoming to outsiders who need his help, something which he couldn't do when the enchantress paid her visit.

Quote #3

GASTON: I'd like to thank you all for coming to my wedding. But first, I'd better go in there and propose to the girl.

And nobody thought she might object? These people really aren't much better than Gaston. They cater to his every whim, and they're happy to do horrible things in his name. They can't understand that a man who's handsome on the outside might actually be a repellent toad on the inside.