Beauty Queens Chapter 5 Summary

  • This chapter shows Adina's point of view, because the questionnaire in the prior chapter introduced her. See how this works?
  • We learn more about the anti-pageant plan. She originally entered because her mom and stepdad promised her a base guitar (she's in an all-girl punk band) if she made Miss New Hampshire. Now, she's an aspiring journalist who wants to write an exposé of the pageant industry.
  • Present-day Adina sees flashes of light near the volcano and worries they aren't alone.
  • Scene change alert! In a section titled "Classified," an agent watches the girls sleep. We learn that he isn't happy because something called Operation Peacock is six weeks away.
  • He turns to go somewhere. A giant snake almost attacks him, but he kills it.
  • The agent walks into a secret compound inside a volcano. It has an elevator and conference room. So much for a deserted island far from all civilization. In the room, he tells someone on a screen about the girls.
  • The voice on the screen doesn't want a rescue mission to attract attention to the Operation Peacock thing. It tells the Agent that the official word is that there are no survivors. The voice is sure there's no way the girls will survive the island.
  • This ominous warning is followed by a commercial break. It's a script of a commercial for Lady 'Stache Off, a product that's a combination of moisturizer, tanner, and hair remover. Gross (but effective).
  • Then there's the same pageant questionnaire, filled out by Petra. We learn that she sews, loves Old Hollywood movie glamour, and can do all the dance moves to a Boyz Will B Boyz video. Guess we'll see the island through Petra's eyes next.