Bird by Bird Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Bird by Bird? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who originally gives the writing advice, "Just take it bird by bird"?

Sean Connery in Finding Forrester
Lamott's brother
Lamott's father
Lamott's friend Carpenter
Q. Which writer does Lamott think she's quoting when she says she writes because she's good at it?

Zora Neale Hurston
Flannery O'Connor
Jane Austen
Virginia Woolf
Q. Which poet does Lamott think she's quoting when she says she writes because she wants to?

James Franco
Wallace Stevens
T. S. Eliot
John Ashbery
Q. Which sports movie does Lamott quote in the introduction to talk about why people might start writing?

Glory Road
Friday Night Lights
Chariots of Fire
Q. Which sports movie does Lamott quote near the end of the book when she's telling us that publication isn't everything?

Bend It Like Beckham
Cool Runnings
Field of Dreams