Black Beauty Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Black Beauty? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What do you call a man who's hired to take care of horses at an inn?

A hustler
An ostler
An osprey
A holdhorse
Q. What is a crupper?

A washroom or toilet
Someone who grooms horses
A piece of horse tack used for pulling carriages
A type of carriage
Q. What's your specialty if you work as a farrier?

Predatory birds
Serving food at an inn
General veterinary care
Equine health, especially hoof care
Q. What's the piece of horse tack that prevents horses from seeing to the side or the rear?

Bearing reins
Q. If you're using a dogcart, you're probably doing what?

Transporting dogs
Going somewhere fast in a small, horse-drawn vehicle
Pulling a heavy load
Racing a horse around a track