Piper McLean Timeline & Summary


Piper McLean Timeline & Summary

  • After escaping Odysseus' palace, Piper worries about Jason, who has been impaled with a sword. (We'd be worried, too.)
  • She still has a mission, though, and she goes with Annabeth to find the heartbeat of the chained statue.
  • They find the statue in a temple of fear underground in Sparta.
  • Annabeth and Piper are attacked by a crazy giant, but Piper manages to keep her cool and helps Annabeth harness her fear, instead of trying to control it.
  • Piper offers her cornucopia to the statue, and the spirits of war within it join her.
  • She later contributes the spirits to the physician's cure.
  • Leo gives her the cure, but she's unaware it's a fake cure.
  • Piper uses her charmspeak to distract the snake people as they approach the Acropolis for the final battle.
  • When Gaea awakens, and Leo carries her into the sky, Piper goes with Jason to try to convince Leo not to sacrifice himself.
  • But Jason can't go that high, so they fall back to earth, and Leo explodes.
  • Back at Camp Half-Blood, Piper tells Reyna that she has true friends there.
  • Finally, Piper and Jason talk about how they believe Leo is still alive somewhere out there.