Sacrifice Quotes in The Blood of Olympus

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Our next offering!" the ghoul shouted, his voice buzzing from the arrow in this throat. "Let us feed the Earth Mother!" (2.10)

Gods are big on sacrifice, and the titans are even bigger than gods (size-wise, anyway)…so it's no surprise that they need even larger sacrifices to be happy.

Quote #2

Nico yelped. The scepter of Diocletian exploded into pieces. (8.29)

Recurring theme alert! Characters in this book continuously lose their mythical items in some way or another—sometimes voluntarily and sometimes not. Here, Nico uses his scepter even though he knows it might not be able to handle it.

Quote #3

At the feet of Ares, she set her cornucopia. (20.88)

Piper has been carrying around the cornucopia for a while now, and she sets it down without a single complaint. Pretty classy, if you ask us.