Warfare (The Holocaust) Quotes in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Others were on crutches and many had bandages around their heads. Some carried spades and were being led by groups of soldiers to a place where they could no longer be seen. (4.192)

With the ominous images of "crutches'" and "bandages," as well as the fact that soldiers are leading people to a place they can't be "seen," we're pretty sure nothing good is happening at Auschwitz. Even if we knew nothing about history (like Bruno), the dark mood is enough to make us uncomfortable.

Quote #2

"Those children look like they've never had a bath in their lives." (4.198)

Gretel makes this observation when Bruno shows her the children he sees from his bedroom window. She offers a rare glimpse into prisoner life—and it ain't pretty. We are totally going to feel grateful for our shower the next time we step into it.

Quote #3

[…] the very last things they owned were put into suitcases and an official car with red-and-black flags on the front had stopped at their door to take them away. (5.208)

The contrast between how Bruno's family is moved to Auschwitz and how Shmuel's family is forced to go there is staggeringly different. For Bruno and his family, their items are packed by the help, and then they're driven by official cars to a nice, comfy train. As we later learn, Shmuel's family got there by far less pleasant means.