Chime Theme of Friendship and Love

Jeremy Taylor once said, "Love is friendship set on fire," and that's definitely the case for Briony in this book. While Briony likes to set things aflame in general, she never expected to be friends with a boy, let alone fall in love with one. Because love comes to her unexpectedly through the friendship she builds with Eldric, though, she is able to let her guard down before she knows what's happening. It's a good thing too, since their love ultimately saves her and helps her to rebuild her shattered sense of self.

Questions About Friendship and Love

  1. What differentiates Cecil's feelings for Briony from Eldric's?
  2. Why does Briony fight so fiercely against love? What about Eldric causes him to not give up on her?
  3. Might Briony have fallen in love with someone like Cecil had she never met Eldric? Why or why not?
  4. How does Eldric and Briony's friendship develop into romantic love?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

For Briony, her ability to feel romantic love is directly related to her experience with paternal love.

In Chime, love represents honesty, trust, and healing in the face of fear and guilt.