Code Talker Chapter 19 Summary

Wedding and White Man's Work: Early 1950s

  • Chester returns to the University of Kansas to finish college, where he also rekindles the romance with Ethel.
  • On a visit to Ethel's sister's house in Window Rock, Arizona, Chester asks Ethel to be his wife. She says yes, of course. Who'd turn down our Chester?
  • Ethel and Chester travel to Chilocco, Oklahoma, where Ethel's mother works, so he can officially ask her mom for permission to marry Ethel.
  • The mom says yes, and Chester and Ethel set a date for the wedding: summer of 1952.
  • Now that Chester's about to start his own family, he needs to find a job, and so he moves to Albuquerque to look for work.

1952: Wedding

  • Chester finds a house for himself and Ethel in Albuquerque. They have a half-Anglo, half-Native American wedding.
  • The Anglo half of the wedding takes place in St. Michael's, Arizona.
  • At the church, in his Marine uniform, Chester is nervous. But when he sees his beautiful bride walking down the aisle, his nerves calm down.
  • The couple then drives over to nearby Hunter's Point, where a Navajo medicine man does the Navajo part of the wedding and blesses them.
  • After the blessing, both Chester and Ethel's Navajo families give the young couple advice about how to lead a happily married life.
  • Once the wedding is all done, Chester and Ethel return to Albuquerque.
  • He finds work in the paint shop at the Veterans' Affairs Hospital in Albuquerque.
  • Things are coming together for Nez: he has a wife, a job, and a life that he is happy with. Finally, our brave Navajo Marine is getting a break.