The Columbian Exchange Movies & TV

The Columbian Exchange Movies & TV

We All Fall Down (2005)

Set in 17th-century England, We All Fall Down is a thriller about the dark plague that swept through the country killing whole villages in its path. Will the wealthy Yates family escape?

1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992)

French heartthrob Gérard Depardieu is Christopher Columbus in this Ridley Scott epic, which was released in 1992 to honor the quincentennial of the explorer's momentous voyage to the Americas.

Christopher Columbus: The Discovery (1992)

Released in 1992 to honor the 550th anniversary of Columbus' voyage to the Americas, this film starring Marlon Brando and Tom Selleck focuses on the many obstacles that nearly prevented the Genoan navigator from achieving his dream of discovering a new sea route to the Indies.

The Navigator: A Mediaeval Odyssey (1988)

Take a break from historical films about Columbus to embark on an entirely different journey. Watch as a young boy in Medieval England, desperate to help save his village from the Black Death, chooses a thoroughly unique passage to a distant land.

Christopher Columbus (1949)

Check out an early Hollywood interpretation of the grand adventure of Genoan navigator Christopher Columbus.