Nick Young Timeline & Summary


Nick Young Timeline & Summary

  • Nick invites Rachel to Singapore for his best friend's wedding.
  • Once in Singapore, Nick gets to catch up with his best friend Colin.
  • Nick follows protocol and asks his grandmother to invite Rachel to her house for a party.
  • In support of his bestie, Nick attends Colin's bachelor party, eventually hatching a plan to save Colin and flying everyone to Australia.
  • Seeing Rachel at Colin's wedding, Nick decides he's ready to marry Rachel.
  • He's shocked and appalled at the behavior of Francesca and Amanda to make Rachel jealous
  • He takes Rachel to Malaysia with the intent of proposing to her.
  • After Rachel faints from being told she's not an acceptable wife and she has a father she never knew she had, Nick drives her to a hotel, but doesn't hear from her again for a week.
  • Rachel breaks up with Nick because of his family (we get it).
  • He wallows for a week at Colin's house until Colin helps him find inspiration in a persistent blue jay.
  • Flying to California and back in two days, Nick brings Rachel's mom to Singapore to help reunite them.
  • Nick and Rachel stay in love.