Crime and Punishment Dmitri Prokofitch Razumihin Quotes

[Razumihin:] "Then I'll run home in a twinklingI've a lot of friends there, all drunkI'll fetch Zossimovthat's the doctor who is looking after him, he is there, too, but he is not drunk; he is not drunk, he is never drunk!" (3.1.34)

Here's a situation where the novel doesn't take an absolutely negative view on alcohol. This passage is some funny stuff coming from Razumihin. We can't help laughing. You probably remember that he finds drinking a little less amusing the next morning.

[Razumihin:] "You always have been a very rational person and you've never been mad, never," he observed suddenly with warmth. "You're right: I shall drink. Good-bye!" (6.1.22)

This time, Razumihin doesn't go drinking. Raskolnikov convinces him that he's loved, that he needs to be there for Dounia. This "blessing" motivates Razumihin to stop drinking.

[Razumihin:] "And the great point of the business is that we shall know just what wants translating, and we shall be translating, publishing, learning all at once." (4.3.28)

We love Razumihin's energy. Even though he dropped out of college, he knows multiple languages and is very business savvy. Do you think he's reached the point where he doesn't need the structure of school to guide his studies?