Les Liaisons dangereuses (Dangerous Liaisons) Part 2, Letters 71-75 Summary

Letter 71: The Vicomte de Valmont to the Marquise de Merteuil

  • Valmont's valet leaves his portfolio in Paris. The portfolio has all the letters.
  • Fortunately, Valmont has Le iPhone and can text while he waits.
  • Or, well, compose a letter anyway.
  • And complain about his valet.
  • He also tells the Marquise about how he saved a woman from ruin.
  • This woman, a Vicomtesse, had a husband and a lover, the latter named Vressac. All three are not on the best of terms and Valmont decides to have some fun.
  • He manages to get the Vicomtesse to his room late at night.
  • In the morning, the Vicomtesse returns to her room and finds she's locked herself out.
  • Valmont kicks in the door after conspiring with her on a story. She screams about an intruder and Valmont breaks in to stop the alleged attack.
  • When the husband and lover show up after hearing the noise, Valmont scolds them for the sleeping through their lady's distress.
  • Blaming the noise on rats, Valmont helps the husband and wife to reconcile.
  • At the end of his letter, Valmont tells the Marquise to watch out for Prévan.

Letter 72: The Chevalier Danceny to Cécile de Volanges (not delivered until the fourteenth)

  • Needy Danceny begs Cécile to reaffirm her love for him. Insecure much?
  • He also says that if she really loves him she'll be nicer to Valmont.
  • In conclusion he says he's suffering and that only she can make him happy.
  • This seems to be his signature line with Cécile.

Letter 73: The Vicomte de Valmont to Cécile de Volanges (attached to the preceding letter)

  • Valmont instructs Cécile on how she should relate to him while in public and says he'll supply her with materials for writing to Danceny.
  • He tries to get on her good side by sympathizing about her cruel Mamma who's trying to keep her away from her beloved Danceny.

Letter 74: The Marquise de Merteuil to the Vicomte de Valmont

  • Merteuil teases Valmont about his fear of Prévan. Like she can't take care of herself.
  • She sees Prévan as a chance for some fun.
  • Not to mention a way to annoy Valmont, whom she guesses is jealous.
  • She's getting a little bored with her lover, anyway, so this will keep things interesting.
  • She decides to play with Prévan and seduces him at the opera.
  • From Valmont, she wants all the news about Prévan that Valmont knows, including all the details about a "triple affair" she's heard about.

Letter 75: Cécile de Volanges to Sophie Carney

  • In her final letter to Sophie (included in the collection), Cécile tells her friend about Valmont.
  • She's grown to like him, but notices not everyone in the house does.
  • He's very clever and managed to slip her one of Danceny's letters without anyone noticing.
  • She worries that Valmont will get tired of the place and return to Paris.
  • Cécile says she's been holding back from telling all her thoughts to Danceny.
  • Valmont and Merteuil's plan is working perfectly.