Das Kapital Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Das Kapital? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What's one of the main points Marx makes about time?

The more time workers spend under capitalism, the more they forget their own interests
Capitalists try to organize time in such a way as to maximize their profit
Workers need to negotiate better contracts to shorten the length of the working day
Oversleeping can get you fired
Q. What's one of the main points Marx makes about technology?

Anything that increases productivity would decrease value
Anything that increases productivity would increase value
Advances in technology give workers better tools to overthrow capitalism with
He really wishes he had a better cell phone
Q. What's one of the main points Marx makes about the individual capitalist considered as a member of his or her economic class?

Money blinds any particular capitalist to what it's like to be working class
His wealthy collaborator Friedrich Engels gave him a lot of money, so always be nice to your donors even if they're from the capitalist class
If a particular capitalist is more understanding of workers' plight, then he or she should be approached as an ally
It doesn't really matter if a particular capitalist is a nice person or not, because competition forces all capitalists to do whatever they can to maximize profit
Q. What's one of the main points Marx makes about traditions and customs?

Capitalism is a tradition that began in ancient Greece and slowly gained more dominance over everyone's life
Capitalism is now a permanent phase in history that has taken over traditions and customs
Capitalism is a temporary phase in history, not something that has always existed nor something that always will exist
It's the custom in his family to watch the Marx Brothers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0Gwe5gKgjo at Christmas
Q. What's one of the main points Marx makes about man and the natural world?

Labor is a universal, natural condition of human existence
Labor isn't natural; it won't be necessary in a post-scarcity economy
If people would only share the food and other supplies provided by nature, difficult labor wouldn't be necessary
He's actually an extraterrestrial