Daughter of Smoke & Bone Theme of Art & Culture

Prague is a city rife with art and culture—all those gorgeous buildings and paintings and street performers make it feel like there's magic in the air. And with Karou around, there is. But even without her wish-power, Karou would still be able to create some magic with the power of her art. She's not the only artsy-fartsy one in Daughter of Smoke and Bone, either. Zuzana has her puppets. Kazimir has his tacky vampire tour (not all street performers have talent). Even Brimstone's dark arts are just that: arts. So, we think that, in this book, art isn't about looking pretty... although that's always nice... art is about creation.

Questions About Art & Culture

  1. How does Zuzana's puppet show serve as a kind of allegory for Karou and her identity crisis?
  2. How do Karou's sketchbooks link people to other worlds? (Think of the students in her school, Izîl, Issa, etc.)
  3. Can Akiva's tattoos be considered art? What about Karou's? Why or why not?