Dear Mr. Henshaw Letters 29-31 Summary

Letter 29: January 12

  • Leigh is writing to the real Mr. Henshaw again.
  • The school librarian gives Leigh Mr. Henshaw's new book, which thrills him because a) he's the first to read it and b) someone else has noticed him besides Mr. Fridley.

Letter 30: January 15

  • After finishing the book in two days, Leigh is mulling some things over.
  • He decides that books don't have to be funny, though it's nice when they are.
  • He knows the new book is going to be sad when the mother bear dies in the beginning.
  • Then, the bear cubs wake midwinter because they haven't had enough to eat.
  • Thankfully, the ranger and his son find and help them.
  • This gets Leigh thinking about real dads, how his doesn't call or seem very interested in Leigh.

Letter 31: January 19

  • Thanks for sending the postcard with the mountains and lake, Mr. Henshaw.
  • Leigh's writing is getting better, and he likes it more and more.
  • A few schools are getting together to produce a book of writing by some young peeps.
  • The best writing also wins lunch with a Famous Author. (Leigh hopes it'll be Mr. H., of course.)
  • It's a good day because he gets two postcards: one from Mr. Henshaw and one from his dad.
  • He wishes his dad would take him to see Mr. Henshaw.