Dover Beach Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Matthew Arnold was once described as the "most serious man alive." Sounds like a fun guy to grab a meal with, right? (Source.)

Arnold took a lecture tour in the United States in the late 19th century, and made it as far as St Louis. We guess he wasn't into Westerns. (Source.)

A huge chunk of the cliffs of Dover collapsed in the spring of 2013. The pics here make Dover Beach look like a not-so-safe place to be. Definitely not a place you want to ponder the course of human history while relaxing with your honey. (Source.)

British billionaire Richard Branson set a record for being the oldest person to kite surf across the English channel. That's what "Dover Beach" needs—more kitesurfing. Maybe then it'd be less of a bummer? (Source.)