Edward Saïd's Clique: Film (Fight) Club

Edward Saïd's Clique: Film (Fight) Club

This club convenes on a monthly basis to screen the "best of" and "worst of" movies in the canon of postcolonial film. Although the point is to keep their PoCo muscles bulging, the group members often descend into fighting matches over which movie is most hegemonic.

Jacques Derrida

Resident Deconstructionist

Club members put aside their differences and join in rage against the French colonization of Algiers every now and again. Jacques was born in Algiers, so he has a real thing for the film The Battle of Algiers. You should have seen the popcorn fly when the guerrilla movement started to really annihilate that colonial power. Lots of shouting at the screen.

Luce Irigaray

Resident Feminist

Luce really digs Kate Winslet so it breaks her heart to call Kate out for her portrayal of a wide-eyed mother who moves to Morocco with her two young daughters. In Hideous Kinky, Winslet "goes East" to find enlightenment. Such a cliché!

Christian Metz

Resident Film Studies Critic

No, Christian's not a postcolonial scholar, but hey, they're an inclusive group. They're fans of Christian because of his expertise in film criticism and because together they could always reveal the ugly tyranny of postcolonial stereotyping—whether it was the African racism of King Kong, studies of "going native" (all we had to do was watch Gilligan's Island or Survivor to take a crack at that one). His favorite movie to hate? Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. He's known to go on long-winded tangents about Indy being stuck in India and the film's black magic, child slaves, a little tag-along named Short Round, Chinese gangsters, and chilled monkey brains for dinner. To be fair, the dude's got a point.