Eleanor & Park Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Eleanor & Park? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. The Shakespeare play most often referenced in Eleanor & Park is:

Much Ado About Nothing
Shakespeare in Love
The Tempest
Romeo and Juliet
Q. Eleanor doesn't think Romeo and Juliet's deaths are tragic, because:

Shakespeare was making fun of young love.
Hamlet was much sadder.
Romeo was in love with Rosaline anyway.
Eleanor never read the play.
Q. The first band Park plays Eleanor on his Walkman is:

Tears for Fears
The Smiths
One Direction
Q. Eleanor feels like she can't give Park any music he doesn't know, until she remembers this band. Which band is it?

The Beatles
The Smiths
The Village People
Duran Duran
Q. Park's a really big fan of this comic book author. Who is it?

Stan Marvel
Alan Moore
Charles Schulz
Bill Watterson