Major Imbu Quotes

Major Imbu

Quote 1

"And the mind game is designed to help shape them, help them find worlds they can be comfortable in." (9.8)

We tend to think of manipulation as a bad thing, but here Major Imbu (the computer specialist) is describing how the mind game is meant to mess around with students for the sake of their own happiness. That is, the mind game seems like therapy: it manipulates the children into working through some issues. Is this still manipulation?

Major Imbu

Quote 2

“It has a private meaning to Ender.” (9.10)

This is Major Imbu thinking about the phrase “End of the World.” In some ways, “private meaning” has to be the most isolating thing in the world. Because if some phrase has a private meaning for one person, then that one person won’t be able to communicate that meaning to others.