Elliott (Henry Thomas)’s Timeline and Summary

Elliott (Henry Thomas)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Elliott hears noises in the backyard, throws a baseball into the toolshed, and something throws it back. Yikes!
  • Later that night, Elliott comes face-to-face with E.T. in the cornfield, and they both scream their heads off. You know, like you do.
  • Elliott lures E.T. home with a trail of Reese's Pieces candy and sets him up in his closet.
  • Elliott fakes sick to stay home from school and spend the day with E.T.
  • Elliott introduces E.T. to Michael and Gertie.
  • When E.T. gets drunk at home, Elliott exhibits similar symptoms at school, lets all of the frogs go in science class, and kisses the cute blond girl he had his eye on.
  • Surprise, Elliott! Gertie taught E.T. to talk.
  • Elliott and Michael help E.T. build a communicator from household junk.
  • On Halloween night, Elliott smuggles E.T. into the forest so he can set up the communicator. It works!
  • The next morning, Elliott wakes up alone and sick; he asks Michael to find E.T. for him.
  • Elliott and E.T. are both really sick. The government takes over their house to observe and do tests on them.
  • As E.T.'s health gets worse, Elliott's gets better.
  • Elliott thinks E.T. has died and says goodbye. Whoops! E.T.'s alive.
  • Elliott, Michael, and Michael's friends take E.T. back to the forest with federal agents hot on their tails.
  • Elliott says goodbye to E.T. For real this time.