Their Eyes Were Watching God Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Their Eyes Were Watching God? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How is Tea Cake's treatment of Janie different from the way she's been treated in her previous romantic relationships?

He finds she's intellectually slow, but he loves her anyway.
He believes she's smart and treats her as an equal.
He feels she's just a pretty ornament; he keeps her purty.
She sure does cook well. No one ever acknowledges that except Tea Cake.
Q. Why does Tea Cake want Janie to work with him?

So they can share experiences together
Because she's an object for him to show off
So he doesn't have to work; that man sure is lazy.
Women didn't work back then, and he wanted to upset the white standard.
Q. What pivotal decision starts Tea Cake and Janie on the beginning of the end?

Their decision to date
Their decision not to have children
Their decision not to evacuate the Everglades
Tea Cake's decision to fight at Mrs. Turner's
Q. What happens to Tea Cake that spells mortal trouble?

He becomes violent and depressed.
He gets in a fight at Mrs. Turner's
He nearly drowns and gets pneumonia.
He's bitten by a rabid dog.
Q. How does Tea Cake die?

Tea Cake dies? That's terrible.
Janie shoots him.
The sheriff shoots him.
He shoots himself.