Fangirl Theme of Love

Cath's no stranger to idealized love in Fangirl. She can write gay magician boys all day long, and do it so well she becomes a wildly popular Simon Snow fanfic author, but when it comes to boy/girl stuff, however—in other words, real life—she can barely dress herself. Cath wants a boyfriend, but not if it means she has to put on girly clothes and go to parties and stuff. It's easy for her to give a fictional character an idealized, poetic love life, but navigating her own is only slightly less painful than a hyena eating her face. Luckily, Levi's pretty darn patient.

Questions About Love

  1. Does Cath have a crush on Nick before developing a crush on Levi? If so, when does her crush on Nick start to fade?
  2. Is Levi really into Cath's fanfiction, or does he just ask her to read it because he likes her?
  3. Did being left by the woman he loved make Cath's dad's mental illness worse? Can loss of love do that, or is mental illness all about biology?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Admitting you love someone is always scary, but it's even harder for Cath, because her mom seriously damaged her ability to trust. You can't love someone you can't trust.

You can love someone you can't trust. Wren is living proof of this.