Freewill Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Freewill? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What brings Will out of his funk after not leaving his bedroom for three days?

a shower
the season finale of So You Think You Can Dance
a prank call from some local nut-job
Gran's chocolate macaroons
Q. According to Will, _________ is the opposite of faith

Q. Will says he was meant to be a:

sushi chef.
talk-show host.
Q. Will finds the maxim "Be Not Idle" irritating because it represents what?

woodworking, which is not his true calling in life
the inevitability of death
mindlessly chipping away at nothing just for the sake of staying busy
the devil's workshop
Q. Why does Will love moving waters, especially the tide?

because the tide takes what it wants and leaves what it doesn't at the shore
because the coming and going motion presents the possibility of something better happening
because you cannot see what is under the water, and it could be something great
all of the above