From Here to Eternity Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around From Here to Eternity? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. On which Hawaiian island is From Here to Eternity set?

Party Island
Q. What club do Maggio and Prewitt belong to?

The New Congress Club
The Not Really a Brothel Club
The Keystone Club
The Golden Crest Club
Q. Where is Prewitt when Galovitch spills two buckets and tries to make him clean them up?

On a football field
By the boxing ring
In a ball pit at Chuck E. Cheese
In the mess hall
Q. Where are Alma and Karen headed at the end of the movie?

To the mainland U.S.
To Europe
To Mexico
To infinity… and beyond!
Q. (Okay—this is a really hard one, but we're going to ask it anyway… Double bonus points for this one.) What's the name of the bar where the soldiers go to drink?

Ol' Seadog Jack's Seaside Shack
Roger's Dive