Introduction to Geometry at a Glance

Have you noticed how many grim words start with the letter G?

Gross, grimy, and gastrointestinal—especially if you just ate a giant helping of goulash (in which case, "gassy" is probably next on the list). And we haven't even mentioned that graveyards, gout, and gerrymandering fall under the G realm as well. Thank goodness Geometry isn't one of them.

With a little help from Shmoop, Geometry has ditched the grisly G's and joined the good (and way more glamorous) ones. It may have hung out with the wrong crowd in the past, but everyone deserves a second chance. We've helped Geometry clean up its act—and go from gory to glory.

Now, that doesn't mean geometry is all sunshine and rainbows. Some calculations can be pretty gnarly, and many proofs are downright grueling. Half the time, finding the right answer feels more like a guessing game than actual math.

Have no fear! That's why Shmoop is here! With glitzy explanations, guffaw-worthy examples, and Gangnam Style dance moves, we'll make the tasteless intricacies of Geometry seem like gingerbread cookies, with 0 Calories and 100% natural Shmoopy goodness.

Why Should I Care?

In algebra, you factored expressions and solved equations, but there wasn't really any rhyme or reason as to why. Sure, parts of it were applicable and probably even interesting, but it may also have felt a bit like going through a zero gravity minefield of variables and concepts. Nothing was tied to solid ground.

If that's the case, then geometry is practically the opposite—it's like a full gravity minefield. On second thought, that might not be the best analogy.

What we're saying is that geometry is the math course that's most applicable to the real world. (Don't tell the other math courses. They'll only get jealous.) While solving triangles and writing proofs might not be integral parts of day-to-day activities, geometry really is everywhere you look.

Want to make sure the circular track at school really is a fourth of a mile? Need to find the best angle to prop up a ladder against a wall? With distances, measurements, and angles, geometry's got your back. Areas, volumes, and densities also fall under geometry territory—and that's only scratching the surface.

At the very least, geometry gives you terms to accurately describe the world around you. Eventually, tables will turn into rectangles, basketballs will become spheres, and instead of tree trunks, you'll see wooden cylinders. Party hats will morph into colorful cones, tires will look like circles, and kites will be…well, kites. Because some things just don't change.