Giants in the Earth Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The father tended to the cattle. First he lifted the yoke off the oxen and turned them loose; then he milked Rosie and let her go also. After that he made up a bed for the whole family under the wagon. (

At this early point in the book, we learn that Per Hansa will always take it on himself to look after his family. This habit sometimes becomes annoying for his wife Beret, though, who'd happily take on more responsibility if she could have more of a say in her future.

Quote #2

Now he saw what the dream had meant that he had had the other night; he had seen both Joseph and Benjamin playing just beyond the house; and with them had been a tiny little fellow, who wasn't mentioned in the Bible story! (

Store-Hans has a dream about a story from the Bible, but he doesn't understand why there's an extra boy who's not mentioned in the Bible story. It's only after he finds out his mom's pregnant that he realizes the extra boy must be his new sibling.

Quote #3

But now dinner was ready. In came two little boys, with ruddy, beaming faces, just like their mother's; it seemed to Per Hansa as if he would never tire of looking at them. (

When things are looking up for the Hansa family, Per Hansa can't imagine life being any better. It's these rare moments when every individual in his family is happy that he has to savor, because there will be some tough times ahead.