Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 Scene 10 Summary

  • Ah, it seems that the wedding we've been building up to is Bill and Fleur's. It looks like it's a lot fun.
  • At the wedding, Harry chats with Luna and her dad, and then he goes to talk to a dude named Elphias Doge, Dumbledore's friend. Doge just wrote an article about Dumbledore.
  • Harry and Doge talk about Rita Skeeter's recent work on Dumbledore. Turns out, it's not just an article she's been cooking up. She's done a book as well.
  • Ron's Auntie Muriel is listening in on their conversation and chimes in as well.
  • Through the chat, Harry learns a few things about Dumbledore that he hadn't known before. Auntie Muriel is shocked by how little Harry seems to know about Dumbledore. As is Harry, actually.
  • Then, Harry and others see a glow in the distance, and a Patronus arrives. Perhaps it's a message of good wishes for the happy couple?
  • No such luck. The Patronus announces that the ministry has fallen and "they" are coming. We're not exactly sure who "they" are, but probably no one/nothing good.
  • Sure enough, Death Eaters arrive shortly thereafter, and Hermione, Ron, and Harry Disapparate together to a busy city street.
  • Hermione, it seems, has prepared for a possible quick departure by packing up a magic bag that's way bigger on the inside than it appears (kind of like a Tardis). That girl really is always three steps ahead, isn't she?
  • As they walk through the crowded streets of London, she pulls out clothes for them to change into.