Queen Katherine Timeline and Summary


Queen Katherine Timeline and Summary

  • 1.2: Katherine breaks the news to Henry that the people are ticked over a new tax. What new tax? He's just as surprised as anyone, since Wolsey authorized the tax himself. Then comes the news that Buckingham is a traitor. Uh-oh. Set a trial date, Henry orders.
  • 2.4: Katherine's divorce trial begins, but the queen refuses to take part since Wolsey is running the show. Henry speaks highly of his wife and thinks the cardinals might be yanking his chain.
  • 3.1: Wolsey and Campeius pay Katherine a visit to talk to her about the divorce trial. They try to give her advice about staying in the king's favor, but she calls them hypocrites instead.
  • 4.2: Griffith tells Katherine that Wolsey has died. They discuss whether he should be remembered as a good man or not. Katherine can't help but bring up his wrongdoings, but Griffith thinks it should count for something that he died fearing God. She too has gotten sick and then dies.